Thursday, July 4, 2013

Jessica Rabbit Moment

"I'm not really bad, I'm just drawn that way."

If you were following my evil plans earlier this spring, you might recall that I had an idea for a Pin Up Girl applique quilt.  I downloaded some classic pin-ups and I really want to make a Sailor Girl Pin Up for my nephew Jesse for his bunk the next time he's out to sea.  (Navy Sub guy)

This morning, we decided to drag our younger daughter out of bed to go on a ride with us for breakfast.  She hates riding (she falls asleep) but loves food, so she finally relented.  On the ride home I decided to get her to take some pictures of me on my hubby's bike to use for my idea. He deserves a Pin Up Girl Quilt!

I can only imagine what the neighbors were saying as I headed outside in my skull fabric bikini and the Naughty Pirate Boots (aka Viagra Boots).  When I wear those boots, I am 6'2" (187 cm) and have an in-seam of 36" (92 cm).    I was feeling pretty hot ( it was 90 degrees F and figuratively too) until I looked over the side view pics.  For the record:  Never let anyone photograph you from the side, while you are sitting on a motorcycle.    Ever.    Especially when you have helmet hair.  Not good for the psyche.

When I started the cartoon, I removed the wind shield,  shifted my torso slightly to the right,  simplified the bike details, shifted the boot position and gave myself hair extensions.

You all saw the pre-boobie-dicky picture from the zig-zag dress, so you know that the chest bit is legit.   The waist is a bit exaggerated to my advantage.

 And since my mother accidentally saw my tattoo last week when I was adjusting a waist band on a crap pair of shorts during her visit, I can admit that the Jurrassic sized dragonfly is, in fact, part of my body.

When I get 4 more quilts done, I will reward myself by starting on the Soft Tail Custom Quilt


1 Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Now; I like your ideas for quilts....I would love to make some of those....good job!!

2 Karen said...

I purchased some pin-up girl embroidery patterns quite some time ago but have never found time to stitch any of them. I found your post today an enjoyable and somewhat humorous read.

3 Mary said...

Oh yeah, helmet hair is awful. And, side views on a bike, or a horse, are to be avoided...:-) I love this drawing-you are awesome!

4 Far said...

Woahhhhh,What A Great Drawing! Super Cool!

5 Kasey said...

Love it! What a great idea. The drawing looks awesome.

6 Bailey said...

Fabulous tattoo - that shadowing is great work! Love the applique drawing, too. Looks just like you!

7 Victoria said...

Can your mother's comment be quoted? I look forward to seeing this quilt get off the page and into the cloth. Cheers.