Saturday, December 28, 2013

Progress Report Dec 28

Amy's quilt, aka Bonus Quilt 2 is pieced.

Interestingly, I hung this upside down from the way that I designed it.  I kind of like it better.  In fact, I was planning to do machine stitched lines from top to bottom as it hangs in this photo.  But now I think I might quilt it left to right.  The flimsy finished 74" x 85".  It'll shrink a fair bit as I plan on a cotton batting and fairly close stitching.  That will have to wait, however, as I only have 1 set of basting pins and I'll have to make more progress on the USA quilt to free them up.

Speaking of which, I am extremely pleased with my progress.  I'm working on the outline and first echo quilting on each block.  This is #10 (from the back).  That seems really fast to me.  But all things are relative.

I have added a sidebar to my blog to track my progress on UFO's.  It is my goal for 2014 to clear off 10 of these before I start a couple applique projects that I really, really, really want to do.  I am embarrassed to admit that I have at least 30 quilting UFOs, so I may end up finishing things not on the original list first.   But I am trying really, really, hard to stay focused.

As I saw on a Face Book Poster: " Ask me about my attention deficit disorder or pie or my cat. A dog. I have a bike. Do you like TV? I saw a rock.  Hi! "


1 Sarah Liz said...

Better not get me quiltmaking then - I have enough problem with garment UFO's. It's a gorgeous quilt.

2 Amy said...

Wow, the top looks marvelous both directions! Patience is a virtue, of which I am woefully deficit, but I promise to keep telling myself, "Wait, Amy, wait. All good things come..." The USA quilting is gorgeous. The solid back shows it off beautifully. Hmmm, maybe I'll make my 2014 quilt list now.