I finally finished the quilt top that I pieced back in April. I borrowed the idea from Raewyn but messed up on some math and ended up with a different pattern. She had designed it for paper piecing, which would eliminate all the bias issues that I had that resulted in some wonky, asymmetrical sections.
It is all machine quilted. The long, straight sections done with the walking foot. The fill is FMQ. The white is quilted with Gutermann 50 wt cotton. I used a new to me thread for the black. It's Coats & Clark Cotton "Machine quilting & crafts". Strangely, it claims to be 30 wt. I say strangely because if anything, it seems thinner than the Gutermann. I bought this thread once years ago and gave it away as the 1200 yard spool wouldn't feed on my vertical thread spindle. It works fine on my new machine which has a horizontal spindle. I find this to be good news as it's $7.50 locally and I can consistently buy it for 50% off or BOGO at JoAnns.
I did free motion on this section. Fortunately, the bamboo batting/ shrinkage hides how non-parallel those lines were. And it adds nice texture.
When I started the pebbling, I ended up with a bobbin tension issue I didn't notice until I'd done 3 of these 5" squares. There is a lot of swearing involved with unstiching that much pebbling. (This is the re-do, it's the poor lighting that makes the upper one look wonky).
I'm actually getting to the point I looked forward to doing feathers. Hard to imagine.
Another UFO off the list and the gift finished with over a week to spare!
Just brilliant, serendipitious design, amazing fmq AND perfect timing!