I am super motivated to finish up some of my old UFO's before it gets warm enough to go play outside. Monday I go this quilt sandwiched, pinned, and all the ditch-stitching done.
This quilt was originally designed as a wedding quilt inspired by Ojibwe bead work, but done in the favorite colors of the bride to be. There are several reasons this got set aside. Which in a way is good as my FMQ is finally good enough to make this look the way I had imagined.
I bought black batting for this quilt about 7 or 8 years ago when I started it. I sure wish I would have thought to use it for the last black quilt that I made. No tufting of the batting, or if it is, you can't see it.
Hoping to do the quilting detail on the applique over the next several evenings, but will need to wait for a bright sunny day to attempt anything on the black background. I keep changing my mind if I'm going to use black or red thread for the fill.
I can't wait to see how you quilt this gorgeous top!