Saturday, February 20, 2016

Progress Report

Sometimes procrastination does actually pay off. I started this quilt inspired by Ojibwe beadwork in 2005. It got set aside and finished up the applique in 2010/2011. I started machine quilting it last week. Super happy with the contrasting thread additions. Just now have the skills developed to pull off the concept.

 I posted this photo on my FB page earlier today and felt validated when a non-quilter replied with   "You have mad-bad quilting skills"

Which is funny because I spent the morning staring at this quilt laid out on the living room floor and thinking "That turned out well if you don't look closely.  What next?"

While watching Ming cook on PBS, I looked over my reference photos of bead work and free-hand drew some flowers and swirlies onto the quilt with a whit colored pencil. 

I'm in the process of adding the veining on all the big leaves and then maybe some more freehand fill flowers. 

1 comment:

1 Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Wow, that quilting is stunning!