A 100 degree day seems to be the perfect day to work on the temperature quilt that I haven't done anything with since February.
It is based on an idea I borrowed from the knit/crochet world where several posts at the beginning of the year were promoting making an afghan using a color code to represent the temperature of the day.
I thought this would make a great quilt with a lot of variety as I live somewhere with widely varying temperatures. Our record low is -17 and high is 111 F (-22/44 C) with average high and low of 25/91 (-4/33 C). It is also normal for our high and low in one day to be 30-40 degrees apart.
The "high" strip finishes at 1.5" and "low" at 0.5". Each day is 12" wide. Each week starts with Friday since that's what day January 1st fell on.
The magenta near the top was our low at 5 and the orange was a fluke day March 20th at 70 degrees.
I made it through March today.
Looks great!