There's good news and bad news. The good news is that I had this much finished by late afternoon on Sunday. This is the center 12 blocks of the quilt. I tried to pick the blocks with the best points.
It will cover the top of a Queen bed. There is another round of 18" blocks around this part to be the drape part of the quilt.
And then there's the bad news. As I was headed to bed with visions of finishing this quilt on Sunday, it occurred to me that I seemed to be out of the dark green HST pieces that are the star points. I searched again in the morning than double checked my planning page which confirmed my fears. It appears that I made half as many as I need to finish the quilt.
This alone would be annoying, but while I padded my yardage enough for the dark green and the pale background, I don't have enough of the mid-background to finish the quilt to the edge. The original plan being to continue the pattern all the way to the edges as in the picture below.
Oh, I just found a square inserted wrong in this picture. Damn.
After considering a half dozen options, I went with this one. All of the HST blocks are supposed to be green/mid, but this plan replaces half with green/light. (Not noticeable in these photos and only up close in person) But in the process, I decided to remove the green corner blocks so the outside edges would finish with points. I've spent a lot of the day ripping out stitches.
I like the points at the edges. Oh yes, fabric walks off without even giving notice. All of us have been there and done that somewhere along the journey.