Wednesday, August 5, 2020

So Over Monet

I am so ready to be done with this.  And it is not helping that Blogger flipped this image, clearly to annoy me.  I should be excited that there is only one section 15x 47 to go.  But that's just the feature panel.  Turns out, that makes the quilt 61x 108, so I'll have to add 15" side panels on each side to make it a bed spread.  (Weirdly, my original plan was 72x96, but maybe math isn't my forte)

On a positive note, I convinced myself that I don't have to quilt it.  This is the back of the panels which has the fusible web and a million seams.  The fabric is quite secure.   I just ordered an extra wide fabric back that looks like canvas.  I will either use some tacking stitches to keep it from shifting, or I may FMQ outlines of the boy, parasol and lady to hold the back to the front. 

And I am going to do some improv piecing on the outer panels.  My  3 year old granddaughter came for a visit and decided that the yellow cardboard identification tags that I had used to keep the 60 colors straight were really interesting.  I don't really have the energy or interest to sort that $#@! out. 

1 comment:

1 Angie in SoCal said...

Blogger does that to me at times - arghh. Sound like you need to take a break from this project for a while. Or stand further back from it and you can see the scene more clear. I admire your perseverance.