Hung out with my 4 year old granddaughter this week end. We made pillows from some of her art. Every time she says applique, I hear apple cake. After practicing this weird new word, it became apple lick cake. Sounds like I need to develop a new pastry recipe.
This is her self portrait. She picked out the thread to match her original. Traced from original with pencil and used a tight zig-zag.
I found a 12" pillow form someone had re-homed to me. As we were wrapping it, she decided that she really wanted it for her bed because it's the right size for her. Guess that will be sorted out when it's opened at Christmas.
Here's her original art.
I didn't know she could write her name. We had to practice her age a few times. I forgot to take a picture, but used the same zig-zag technique to add this to the back of the flower pillow.
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