
Thursday, September 30, 2010


There's a simple explanation for why I quit scrapbooking about 2006.  That was the year that Guitar Girl took photography in 8th grade and I never saw my camera again.  My eldest brother took pity on me and sent another of the same style of digital camera so I would have one.  That was quickly taken over by Skater Girl.   This past Christmas, he sent a 3rd camera in the same model.  At last! A camera of my own!  This is what I've been using for blogging.  And now it's gone.  Skater Girl's is on the fritz and she took mine to school for photography class w/o asking. ARRRRGGGG.

Maybe this phone-camera version will give you some clue as to what I've been up to.  I've had an idea for about a year to make mono-chromatic crazy strips for a quilt.  This test-drive will become a pillow case.  With the fabric that was left from the JC project, I cut 5" friendship squares.  Then some 2.5" squares and some pieces for a Double Wedding Ring. Everything else was thrown in a bag for this.

     After I got the strip done, I still had some more sections partially together so I kept going until I got a 6" square.  This will be the center of a throw pillow.
     It's fun for me to look at these and realize there's pieces that went into Keeley's, Hillary's and Rita's quilt.  The one with pink and purple was left over from a romper that I made for Guitar Girl when she was a toddler.
     I need to go buy about a yard of something solid-ish to finish piecing these, then they will become a Christmas gift.   Which means I better get to my job to earn some $ for fabric.

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