
Friday, October 1, 2010

And the WINNERS are....

Hurray!  It's October 1st and that means give away time.  Since there weren't a kazillion entries for this giveaway, I pooled all the entries and used and used for the number generator.

Winner of the Broccoli Cat pattern:  #33 (for leaving an encouraging post for Lucy)
Kasey said... AWESOME QUILT!!! And I love your little helper-- I have my own, a bull terrier. Aren't "helpers" fun? Keep quilting, it only gets more fun!

Winner of the Green Batiks: #7 (Marjorie's blog follower)
quilthexle said... What a wonderful, lovely idea! If you ever do that again - let me know, I would LOVE to jump in from across the pond! By the way, I'm a follower of your blog ;-)) I'll try to post on my blog about your giveaways, will let you know.

Winner of the Batik Friendship Squares: #19 (Marjorie's blog follower)
QUILT ROUTES said... Congrats on your blogging success.

Winner of the lime/raspberry/green fabric: #22 (Marjorie's blog follower)
Nadine said... oooh, thanks for letting me know about this. I have been a follower for some time.

Winner of the Grand Prize Grab Bag: #25 (Victoria Rose blog follower)
rubia said... Gorgeous! It intimidates me but wow is it beautiful!

OK Lucky me with your mailing address so I can send you your goodies!

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