
Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday Progress Report

I didn't actually accomplish as much as I had set out to do.  I did get the lower left corner of the popsicle quilt pieced together and added the next sectio b/w the popsicle and the stick.  But then my cat thought it would be a good idea to coach me through a nap.  How could I turn down a fuzzy nap partner?

Harley Dude offered to take me out for lunch.  How could I possibly say no?  But when I returned, I was totally out of the mood to crawl around on the floor working on the popsicles...So I started working on some flower buds, using back-basting technique.

Tomorrow is going to be rainy...perhaps I'll get more done.


  1. Buds are looking great and when you can learn from a master napper... go for it!

  2. Looks like you had a fabulous day yesterday. The flower buds look amazing. I say take another lesson on napping, it's working wonders!
