
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Popsicles Details

This is the morning's progress.

I am finding that I am pulled between a desire to add interesting detail, and the logic to take advantage of the batik to add variation.   I also realized that of the 3 prints that I have of the painting, some lack detail and others were cropped.  I didn't realize until late this morning that the blob in my pattern on the left corner was a pirate.  Getting the red staining to match up b/w the different fabrics has also been a challenge.  This is actually the 3rd version of the right side of this section.

I was going to leave out the square with the writing....but I have decided to embroider secret meaning into all the places where there is text in the cartoon.  This square will have a secret message to my daughters.  (The bottom speech bubble will have the quilt name, date & signature.  The right bubble has a secret message for the artist.)

I need to move away from the detail and on to the big section in the interest of space and time.  My living room looks like a fabric store barfed all over it.


  1. Ouch - this is one heck of a panel - how do you do it?

  2. Ethne...I'm just not mentally right...

  3. Ha! What a hoot. That comment about your livin groom made me laugh. I needed that today.
