
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Cat Fur

I've been busy with work, but have been slowly making progress on the cat fur, hand quilting.

Thanks for all the great comments that I received on my last post.  I used Marley-cat on purpose for scale as I had suspected that there were many people who had not made the connection between the terms "Big Ass Cat" and 64 inch realize this is a REALLY  big cat applique.

My next blog is #200...and occasion for a big fabric, thread, gadget, give-away.  I am also using this occasion to "tip my hand" and let you see what I do as my day job.  I am launching my professional blog as "Marjorie Rich, Nutrition Expert".  In a weak moment, I promised to blog, tweet, Facebook, If you are interested in how food relates to disease (including prevention and treatment), I invite you to follow my blog-tweet-FB-web as I post ideas over the next year.


  1. Following your new blog. Nice idea. I'm too insane/busy/lazy to be able to split or start a new blog. The cat fur is looking really good.

  2. Nice pet fur and better than what is around my house. The new blog sounds interesting.
