
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

200th Post Give Away

If Oprah can give away her favorite can I.
I have 2 stacks of goodies - one for appliquers and one for piecers.

I started "collecting" yellows in the early 1990's when my guild-friend Celeste convinced me that "good yellows are hard to find - buy them when you find them".  At first I thought she was crazy, but then discovered she's right!  (I just reconnected with her today via Facebook!  Hi Celeste!!!) This is a stack of a dozen of 9" pieces in yellow/orange that are perfect flower centers and petals.  There's a spool of YLI silk thread that makes the hand stitches vanish.  Plus some Thread Heaven thread conditioner for tangle-free stitching. This is my favorite thimble, but after I snapped the picture, I remembered that I have 2 other styles of thimbles that I'll throw in so you can find YOUR favorite.  I also need to pop by the LQS and buy some applique needles to include.

But I know that some of my quilty friends wouldn't be caught dead hand-stitching.  So here's another collection from my stash.  There are 80 charm squares (5") in assorted lime and fuschia print fabrics.  I have those bundled up with some fat quarters.  I like making Half-Square-Triangles with charms, so I'm including my favorite tool for marking those diagonal marking lines.  And a tool for un-piecing...(maybe I'm the only one who makes mistakes...perhaps you don't need this.)  The adorable tape measure is just because it's cute and matches the fabric.

Basic give-away rules apply:  1 entry for leaving any comment.  A second entry if you are a follower (and post a comment that you are).  Third entry for blogging about it.  If you are only interested in one of the combos, be sure to note that in your comment. And finally, I need to be able to contact you so make sure that you are NOT a "no-reply blogger" or that you include an email in your comment.  I'll draw the winners on Sunday, May 8th.


  1. Cool giveaway. Thanks for a chance and I like the first set. Congratulations for reaching 200 posts already!

  2. Awesome giveaway, Marjorie! How exciting to be in touch with you as well. I hope I win my namesake yellows!

  3. I'm a follower too. Was an anonymous one.

  4. I would love to win either of these packs! Although I consider myself a beginner quilter...I have dabbled in appliqué and would love to try more!

  5. I'm a new follower!! (Allison)

  6. Great giveaway! I'm a hand and machine quilter! (Allison)

  7. I'm sew excited about finding your site! I've been looking for a really good applique site! Just signed in to "follow" & am adding you to my Yahoo faves. I do both, piecing & applique so either would be treasured! Thank you for the kewl site! Sandy (

  8. What a great giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win some great items....I love the second set/green and fuschia those are my colors!lol....

  9. I am already a follower of your blog....

  10. Congratulations on your 200th post! That is quite a milestone. I think your work is wonderful!

  11. I am a follower of your blog.

  12. I posted about your giveaway on my blog....

  13. I just came here from stitch duchesss' blog!
    Congrats on your 200th post and thanks for the beautiful & generous giveaway :D
    I am a beginner and not so good at hand stitching so I'd love your piecer's stack!
    (only hope it is open for international entrants as well)

  14. I love the treats you have selected for piecers! Congrats on 200!

  15. And now I'm a new follower, too. I don't blog, but I Facebooked this link to my quilter friends far and wide.

  16. Congratulations! I prefer the piecers giveaway. Thanks for the chance!

  17. I blogged about your giveaway at

  18. What a great give away!! I love hand appliquing! I'm not a follower on your site, but I have had you listed on my blog as a "favorite place to visit" for quite awhile. Love your work!

  19. congrats on your 200th post! Was suprised to see that there are others who are having trouble finding the "good" yellows. Thought i was the only one. I too buy them as i come across them. I do both hand and machinework. Thank you for this generous give-away.

  20. What lovely combinations. Great giveaway and congratulations on 200 posts

  21. a am a follower

  22. I looooove colour! this must be one of the happiest colour in the rainbow. I'd love the chance to win this lot.
    thanks for the fantastic giveaway
    Keep collecting

  23. Goodness me... forgot to congratulate you on your 200+ post.

  24. Fantastic giveaway! I'd love to win! Congratulations on 200 posts! Happy day.

  25. Congratulations on your 200th post!! Definitely somethine worth celebrating. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your great giveaway!

  26. Glad to meet a friend of Celeste - I'm a relatively new quilt bud of hers.
    I'm a follower and I'm interested in the goodies you're giving away! Either will do!

  27. Congratulations on reaching a huge bloggy milestone! Either prize would be wonderful -- as some could be for applique (that I wish to learn) and some for hexies (my in progress is a queen size GFG quilt with maybe some applique on a border). This may be the first time that I've commented on your blog, though have visited before for tips and techniques.

  28. wow, great giveaways! I would love to win either one of these prize packs. I can never have too many seam rippers! Seriously, I keep a few by my machine, one on the coffee table, one in the car. The cats love them too, so I'm always missing mine. I can't count how many I've bought since I started sewing! I really love those yellow fabrics and the scissors too. Congrats on all the posts! And thank you for sharing your quilting with us!

  29. Congratulations on 200 posts. And thanks for a chance at your giveaways. I'm having a hard time choosing which I like best.

  30. I love the second bundle because there's pink! And yes... a seam ripper is a must! lol...

  31. Of course I'm your follower :)

  32. Has it only been 200? I have enjoyed every post since I found you last year and became a follower. I really appreciate the time you have taken to answer questions and put together tutorials and I have sent my quilt group your way so they can get it all first hand.

  33. I love your blog and would love to win either of the packs. Jkc1951

  34. I have followed your blog on my own but now am an official follower. Janet

  35. Hi Marjorie!
    That was my MIL's name1
    I am a follower and a die-hard appliquer, so I'd love that package, please.
    I love YLI silk thread too!
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    Take care, Leslie

  36. Hi Marjorie!
    That was my MIL's name!
    I am a follower and a die-hard appliquer, so I'd love that package, please.
    I love YLI silk thread too!
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    Take care, Leslie

  37. Congrats on your 200th post! I'm already a follower and am both an avid piecer and an avid appliquer, so either's welcome!

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  38. Congrats on your 200th! Either prize would work great for me!

  39. I really enjoy reading your blog. It made me smile!

  40. Yippe for a 200th post giveaway. I believe the same thing about yellows. Good yellows are hard to find.

  41. Congratulations on reaching 200 posts, Marjorie! And, thanks for celebrating. :) While my preference is always for the yellows, I would certainly take the other one, too, if it was the luck of the draw. Thanks for counting me in.

  42. I've had you in my Google Reader for a long time, and just clicked to get on your followers list, too.

  43. Oh, my! What wonderful items. I love both of them... Congrats on your 200th post!

  44. I almost forgot, I am a faithful follower too!

  45. Celeste just introduced me to your blog. Great idea. Love applique and hope to be able to create the same quality applique quilts that my mom makes. I have a long way to go.

  46. Congrats on your 200th post! you are diligent blogger!

    I love the applique prize!

  47. I am one of your followers. I check your blog almost everyday. you are a real inspiration!

  48. Just saw your info about Charley Harper. A group in Cincinnati had a show of quilts this last fall based on his drawings. What a loss to the art world and to Cincinnati with his passing. His art work will live on forever, especially when quilters keep it alive and do their interpretations of his work.

  49. Congrats on 200! I'd prefer the "piecing prize" if I were to win. Thanks for the chance!

  50. O yes, please, enter me in the drawing for either one!

  51. And you know I'm already a follower. :)

  52. Such happiness your offer,
    I beginning quilter
    Thanks for chance

  53. with pleasure yours the follower

  54. О, поздравляю! Очень люблю ваш болог и с удовольствие его читаю. I follow you!
    my mail

  55. Congratulations Marjorie on your 200th post - you know I follow (and accept your challenges ;0)
    Off now to do you an advertising post.

  56. Congratulations on 200 posts! I would love to be entered into your giveaway. If you pull my name I would love to have the second set. I know my daughter and I could make some cute items with all the colorful and fun fabric:)

    Ann Flowers

  57. I love this giveaway...a few of my favorite things. I really like the piercers bundle. Thanks a bundle

  58. I included your giveaway in my blog today:

  59. Either package would be great but since I have just realized that I have 2 yellow fabric (that are about 10 x 10 only), I would love to get the yellow package. Plus it would start me to applique. I have been wanting to start.

  60. Every time I look at the banner on your blog it makes me smile. So cute! Congrats on your 200th post and thanks for the chance to win!

  61. I've signed up to follow your blog.

  62. Both collections are amazing!! Thank you so very much for the chance to win :) And a huge congrats on 200 posts!!!

  63. I am one of your newest followers and look forward to coming back often :)

  64. I am your newest follower. I love seeing nice applique work.

  65. I would love either set. I love a good yellow fabric too. One can always use a tape measure if they slice through it with the rotary cutter like I do. lol

  66. I would love to get either one! I have done some hand work in the past, but not a lot. Thanks for the giveaway!

  67. Very nice! Put my name in- I love the fuschia/lime.

  68. Awesome giveaways!! I love the second prize - oh my! Would love to win. Thank you for your generosity!!

  69. I am so happy to have found you via Stray Stitches!! I'm now following you and look forward to future posts... the next 200 and beyond!!

  70. Thanks for the chance. I love the one for quilters. Love the pattern and the color. It will be a perfect Mother's Day Present!

  71. I had blogged your giveaway.

  72. I'm learning applique. So far I'm self taught. I didn't know about the thread, and I don't have thimbles, even though I'm a hand quilter (I stab-stitch, not rock the needle where you need thimbles). Don't you just love the Quick Quarter ruler? I have it in 2 sizes. It's great!

  73. Congrats on your 200th post. Your friend is right about the yellow. They are hard to find. I'm now in the process of making a pink and yellow 9-patch quilt, but I seem to have more pink than yellow.

  74. Love your giveaway! Fun, Fun, Fun, and congrats on your 200th post.
    ~Kimberlee, SpunkyDiva at

  75. I am a new follower!
    ~Kimberlee, SpunkyDiva at

  76. Congrats on 200 posts. What an awesome giveaway! I would love either one. I am just getting into applique.

  77. I just became a follower. Looks like you have a great blog.

  78. Cool giveaway, thank you. I like the second set.

  79. Great giveaway - thanks for the chance! I'm partial to Prize #2. :) Have a great day!

  80. I enjoy hand applique and piecing. They each have their own place in my heart.

  81. Thanks for the great giveaway! Congrats on your 200th post! Both bundles are great

  82. Thanks for the chance to enter your great giveaway!

  83. Beautiful pkgs! You have great taste!! I'd love the "yellow" set, but honestly would be thrilled to bits with either! :)

  84. Thanks for a chance to win!

  85. Hi I really like applique too, but I am not very good at it. I hope to learn and improve my stitch! Thanks for the giveaway!

  86. I am now a follower! Thanks again for the chance to win!

  87. Great give away! Either one would be wonderful to win!!!

  88. I was a hand appliquer before I was a machine piecer (tho I did know how to put my appliqued blocks together by machine!), so I'm glad I found you. I've gotten involved in patchwork, but I'll always be an appliquer. I'd like to learn back basting soon, and I'll be back to your site.
    If I were to win, I'd choose the piecing prize. Why? Because I have lots of yellows for flower centers. I'd rather the applique fabrics and notions go to someone who doesn't have those things.
    Thanks very much.

  89. I'm already a follower, adn I signed up for your feed through Google Reader, too.
    Both prizes are lovely, though I'd choose the piecing pack because I already have many applique notions. Thanks very much.

  90. Great giveaway, thanks for the chance!

  91. I am a brand new follower, thanks!

  92. Congratulations! I enjoy reading your blog. I love to applique, so would love a chance at the applique goodies. Thanks!

  93. I follow your blog using Google Reader.

  94. I agree, good yellows are hard to find. Recently a group of us wanted to make a quilt for a special little girl - the granddaughter of one of our close friends. This little girl recently had brain surgery to remove a tumor - her favorite colour is yellow! I went to my stash to get some yellow fabric only to find that I was sadly lacking in this colour--yes, a good yellow is hard to find! I decided that I would have to fix the lack of yellow problem and I am now enhancing my stash with some new yellow purchases.

  95. I am a follower and yellows are hard to find. That would be my first choice but either would be great. Thanks

  96. Congrats on 200! I don't do too much hand applique but hope to some day. I love the pink and green together too.

  97. I'm a follower. Thanks for the giveaway! Either package is a generous gift.

  98. Yey. Great gveaway. I am both, love applique and piece. Thanks for the chance to win.

  99. Thanks for the great giveaway. I piece and applique - love both

  100. Congratulations on 200th post! Thanks for the great giveaway.

  101. Great giveaway!
    Count me in please!!

  102. Great giveaway- I would love to win! :)

  103. Wonderful giveaway. I would like either. SOme days I like to piece and other days I like to applique. And some days, if I am really lucky I can find the time to do both! Thanks for the chance to win.

  104. Great prizes. Love the piecing one! Thanks for the opportunity to win.=)


  106. I need a nice yellow for the background of a quilt I want to make. I do not enjoy applique, so would prefer to win the 2nd group. Thanks for the chance.

  107. Happy Bicentennial, Marjorie! I love to see your projects. I'm a novice appliquer, but like both the yellows and the pinks.

  108. I love pink & green and desperately need a new tablerunner - perfect! Hope I win them - thanks for the chance.

  109. I am a new follower - can't wait to see what you're up to!

  110. Very nice give a way; Both are great prizes..
    Linda in NM

  111. I'd be thrilled with either one, what a great give-away!

    Kimberlee at Magpie Shinies


  112. Hi Majorie, congratulations on 200 fab posts (even though I'm a relatively new follower). As afellow applique lover I'd be really content with the first pack :-) I never thought about the 'yellows' before but it seems so true. Have a great Mothers Day.

  113. Congrats on reaching 200 posts! Both are fabulous giveaways! I love them both, but my first choice would be the one for piecers, which is what I do most. Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

  114. Congrats on #200. I've only just started blogging myself to follow my applique progress. Yellows, yes are very hard to collect. What a wonderful give away!

  115. I also became a follower mainly because applqiuers are so few and far between!

  116. Blogged about it!
    SpunkyDiva at
