
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Post 300

I was trying really hard to make Post 300 something really amazing (you know, like finishing 3 projects in one week).  Especially since there would be guests from Esther's and Lee's Blogs.
But there were distractions.  Plenty of distractions.

Saturday morning I finished cutting strips, making kits and taking tutorial photos for the Quilts of Valor, QAYG project.

Saturday afternoon I hung out with the Quilt Ladies.

Saturday night, I watched football playoffs, drank beer, and designed a quilt that combined squares, rectangles and HST into an interesting design.

Sunday, I discovered that my math skills are impaired when I'm watching football.   Fortunately it was an easy fix and I got all of it cut out and these 5 strips pieced.

I posted a tutorial, watched more football and did hand-quilting on the Double Wedding Ring.  I'm up to about 50 melons finished - over half way.

Monday, I decided I would completely finish the yellow string quilt.  I had mis-judged how long the hand stitching the binding strips would take.   But I don't mind hand work and my favorite thing to watch while I hand stitch is Cake Boss.  Unlike other food shows I can watch episode after episode...because I don't like cake.  I'm just impressed with the design elements.

I had failed to consider that the teen who was off for the holiday is always hungry, and that she and her friend who spent the night have basic cooking skills.  They only made it through one episode before they decided they needed to learn how to make a red velvet cake.  I was required for periodic coaching.  Apparently it turned out OK b/c this is all that's left.

 I did finally finish the gold, QAYG string quilt.  But nothing else.  Maybe I'll have better luck next weekend.

Thanks for all of your great pun entries!  Remember that you have until the evening of Jan 24th to enter.  One entry per person.    And remember to follow the link to Renae's blog where she's offering a bonus prize that requires a separate entry.  


  1. Congratulations on your 300th post! That gold string quilt looks stunning. I've never heard of red velvet cake! It looks a bit scary!

  2. 300 posts, brilliant. You've shared a lot with us all and some amazing quilts - here's to the next 300 - enjoy your celebrations

  3. Great post! I think this might be my first time visiting. The quilts are great and the cake looks good but I am not a cake lover. I guess red velvet is a new thing lately I have seen many recipes for them.

  4. Congrats on 300! I love watching Cake Boss too. My girls (age 7 and almost 6) will watch that over cartoons sometimes.

    I simply LOVE the gold quilt. WOW. Stunning!

  5. I love your String Quilts. They are so fun to make. And congratulations on your 300th post. Way to go!

  6. LOVE that gold quilt! Simply gorgeous! And the cake looks pretty yummy too!

  7. i love the colors on the gold string quilt. wonderful work!

  8. Your string quilts are very striking.

  9. Love your quilt! the yellows are so cheerful

  10. I enjoyed your sharing your week with us! LOL It's so comforting to know that there are others out there wo let Life lead them down the Primrose Path. LOL

    Your blocks and your string quilt are just beautiful. Love your color and fabric choices!

    300 is quite the accomplishment...congratulations!

  11. OOh, I love that gold quilt! I just did a string quilt out of scraps for a Christmas gift but I like seeing it with a uni-color scheme!

  12. I love the idea of a string quilt using all matching materials--I need to give that a try.
    I've made several but all using scraps from church.

  13. Congratulations on your 300th blog!!!!!!!!!! Interesting to see scrap quilts showing up again so often, I loved the 1930's ones and bought one online many years ago but not finished just the 4inch blocks, I pulled it out on Monday to work on it again after about 10 years. I always enjoy dropping in. Cheers Glenda

  14. Congratulations on your 300th post!I love scrap quilts!!
