
Thursday, January 19, 2012

QBL Donation Quilt

The Quilt Block Ladies have been putting together 5" charm squares to make donation quilts for a local women's shelter.  I managed to sweet talk my way into this set of fabrics before the slicing began.  I wanted to combine long strips of 5" wide fabrics with the charms as well as making some HST and using a solid border to add a little variety to the quilt while still keeping it fast and easy.

I am making progress at "random" and "scrap", but I still have issues looking at, let alone working on wildly multi-color quilts (which I refer to as "Ativan Quilts" since they make me serious anxious just to look at them).  Which is funny because I love fun, bright colors.  I can only handle 4 together at one time though.


  1. I love the chunks of colour you've managed to get in this top when you've been using the strips. Will you hand quilt or machine quilt this one?

  2. Love the random yet slightly organised look of this top and the border looks great!

  3. One of my favorite things about quilt group is being able to step outside of comfort zones with colors and block patterns...sometimes it's not fun but at least you always learn whether you actually don't like something or just THINK you won't like it...if that makes sense.

  4. So cute! I like your design and colors. Looks like spring! Can't wait! 20 inches of snow last week!

  5. Oh, this is so pretty:) Love the colours.
