
Monday, March 12, 2012

Citrus Squares

After a month of evenings sewing half-square triangles, I finally had a stack of about 350 sewn, pressed and trimmed by Sunday afternoon.

Here's my long awaited Citrus Squares quilt.  The inspiration for this layout was a quilt that I saw on Jackie's Blog: Canton Village Quilt Works. (Hurray! I finally remembered who's blog I saw it on)   The inspiration was smaller, and I'm quite proud of myself for not over-thinking things and I just randomly added on to the original pattern with small, med, or larger squares.

I have 4 rows stitched together and hope to have the top finished by the weekend.


  1. The colors are so fresh and invigorating. I'm loving it!!!

  2. It is a lovely the layout. If you remember where you got it; I would love to do one sometime....It looks beautifully simple;not hard to look at. I like that. And the color is lovely.

  3. Love the colors! I've been playin with a citrus in my head but havent bought any fabric yet. These are gorgeous,

  4. I love it - what a great colour scheme.
