
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Finally Finished!

This afternoon I finished the binding and washed the double wedding ring quilt.   The finished size is about 70x80.  It's taken me 3 months to do the hand quilting.

The bamboo batting combined with limited density of the quilting makes the drape of this quilt extremely soft.

I had to really fight the urge to do more quilting.  I opted for "just enough" quilting, where all the rings are outlined with some echo quilting inside each "square".    This is before washing.

And this is after.   I was hoping for a wee bit more shrinkage, but even this adds some of the texture I was hoping for.

I still need to embroider a signature on the back before I can really call it finished.

Now it's time to decide which of my many unfinished hand-work projects will take it's place.


  1. Congratulations Marjorie.Your quilt is beautiful and the quilting suits it; love the colours you have used. I haven't tried the bamboo batting yet but understand it is lovely.

  2. Absolutely beautiful! Truly a labor of love. Your work is always impressive to me, and having made one Double Wedding Ring block and deciding I'd stop and call it a future pillow, I admire the fact that you made a whole, incredibly gorgeous quilt. I'll stop gushing now.

  3. lucky you, a wedding ring quilt with hand quilting :) truly a treasure! If it were mine I would be sleeping under it with a great BIG smile! may it always be a treasure to someone in your family. thanks for sharing.

  4. Congratulations! It's lovely.
    I wish my project was moving that fast.

  5. Great finish! Cant wait to see your next UFO getting some special treatment.

  6. What a beautiful quilt - you should be really proud of it

  7. that is such a beautiful quilt! The colors are stunning.

  8. that is beautiful and you hand quilted it very nicely ,I think you worked all day for 3 months to finish such a difficult pattern congrats. theodora

  9. Beautiful concept, beautifully realized. Your interpretation of Turquoise and Silver is masterful.

    Makes me think someone should give the bride and groom jewelry as a wedding gift.

    No, wait, someone needs to give the quilter turquoise and silver to wear to the wedding.
