
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Little Bits

Yesterday I hand stitched the corner blocks on the USA quilt.  Today's goal is to finish adding on these outer borders.

The new white-on-white fabric that I bought at Hancock Fabric this fall is shockingly thin.

I need to buy a new Red Pigma to darken the info I wrote on each block before I sandwich this top together to quilt it.

I also pulled out a panel of the Fall FMQ quilt.

I freehand drew a few flowers and a leaf from the Ojibwe quilt to try some fill ideas.

My first attempt didn't go very well, so in the sober light of day, I re-stitched the leaf outline.

I used a variegated thread that is yellow/gold/brown for the flowers and leaf, then changed to a yellow/pale yellow variegated when I did the pebbling.

I don't think that I like variegated thread.  I think that I say this every time that I use it.  And yet, I keep trying it and trying to convince myself to like it.

It is better with dense quilting like this though.

Back to whittling away at my UFO pile, little bits at a time.

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