
Monday, December 16, 2013

USA Pieced!

At long last, the USA quilt is finally pieced.  Every block, every sashing, every border stitched by hand. Most of the reds came from the state the block represents (I fudged a little to get it finished.) The blocks are in alphabetical order from the upper left.  I picked blocks that represented the state to me either symbolically or by name. (i.e. Card Trick for Nevada, Cowboy Star for Wyoming.)
Of course it was dark last night when I finished, and this morning was freezing fog.  At last, there's a picture, though I wish the lighting was better.

Even though it wasn't on my "official" I-Will-Finish UFO list, I spent last night's football game hand piecing a stack of HST for the 1st bonus quilt from the leftover reds.  I added 28 to the pile.

There are about 200 already joined into 12" finished blocks like these 4.

I think I concluded at one point that I'd need close to 2000 squares.  This  used to be my waiting room /  staff meeting project.  But now my daughter drives her self to appointments and I quit the job with eternal staff meetings.  I may have to make it a goal to stitch a few squares every day until it's finished.


  1. Well done. This is lovely, and beautifully photographed against the snow.

  2. Love it, but not the snow...cold weather is not my favorite. This is a very cool project and the bonus quilt looks interesting too. Will be fun to see how you decide to quilt it.

  3. What a journey this has been for you. It looks great; I love the photo of it in the snow, too.

  4. A round of applause from Virginia! It's marvelous.

  5. Love all the red on whites. Beautiful quilt!

  6. Many years ago, I bought a book of state blocks ... so it is somewhere down my bucket list. I love the red and white ... also on that same list. Great job!

  7. The picture came out really pretty, I love the red and white.
    Also the picture on top of your blog of the beautifull applique is gorgeous!
    Keep up the halfsquare triangles, it is going to be pretty too.

  8. Wowwww how lovely and fresh it looks against the back ground. A stunning red and white quilt. Merry Xmas and all the best with those red and white triangles. Cheers Glenda Australia

  9. Stunning! A really lovely quilt - well done you for finishing! Love the HSTs too - hope that you find the right timeslots for carrying on making them!

  10. It is beautiful! I love that you picked blocks for the states what they mean to you :)

  11. G'day Marjorie and Congrats on finishing your Quilt!
    Christmas Greetings to you and your family from Melbourne Australia!

  12. So so Beautiful. Love your work.
    Merry Christmas Hugs Bunny
