
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Tumbleweed Finish

Technically, I'm not completely finished as I stopped the binding process because I noticed that the light was perfect for taking some pictures of the quilting details.  Good thing I did as the sun went behind a cloud before I got to the full quilt view above.  In case you haven't seen the other posts about it, it is an improv quilt using up the scraps from the Desert Rose. The batting is cotton.  Backing muslin. Fabrics were NOT pre-washed to optimize texture from shrinkage.

About 1/4 way through McTavishing, I regretted the choice.  I like the motion and texture that it adds, but I think it detracts from the motifs it was supposed to show off.  After washing, however, it does highlight the squares.

 All that fuss for this motif, which isn't as noticeable as I would like.  It was totally worth the extra time I took to hand-quilt that inner fill.  In the real world, the texture difference is awesome.
 I really like these 4 fills.  The pebbles really pop, the brickwork is nice texture.  And the feathers.  I finally got them right!
I spent a lot of time fretting over this section.  In the end, I think it turned out really well, with just the right amount of variation in size & texture with the diamonds and pebbles.  The micro-feathers on the top green/brown was just nuts.  No regrets.
 I love these square flowers.  And that I could relax and not worry about perfect  lines on the dark green.  The paisley fill is one of the easiest for me to do and it adds a nice flow-ey feel.

The double leaf on the green/cream is hard to see but it was a new one for me and easy one to pull off.  Love the pebble stem and the wonky leaves.

My quilting theme for 2017 is Surprise Gifts and this is the first to be done with a plan to give it to the unsuspecting recipient sometime in the next few months.


  1. The texture on this one is marvelous. A great quilt from scraps, for sure. It will certainly be a pleasant surprise for the recipient!

  2. Beautiful, and all from scraps! Congrats.
