
Monday, January 2, 2017

Mosaic Finished

My test mosaic piece finished at 15" x 19".  I'm really glad I talked myself into a test drive.  This would be a horrible, miserable thing the way I had imagined it.  The iron on fuseable did not stay stuck down once the piece was being handled for quilting.  Not all the pieces mind you, just every 12 pieces popped off.  And the ones for which I no longer had a scrap of that fabric to replace it. 

So I can cross that mental image off my to-do list and refocus on the dozens of UFOs I already have. 


  1. This is just wonderful!

    I have tried using fuseable for a quilt and it was indeed a nightmare for bits coming adrift. I had wondered if coating a very fine fabric like lawn with bondaweb/wonderunder would be better as it is much stickier, but I thought it would result in a very stiff piece - I'm going to experiment this year though.

    Happy New Year! Looking forward to seeing what you do next.
