
Saturday, April 18, 2020

Furlough Day 1 Planning

Today is day 1 of my 3 month Covid Work Furlough.  It is also 1 month from when we started following distancing/ stay at home measures either voluntary and mandated.    I have to say I was a little like a kid on the first day of summer vacation.  My husband is confused as I turned down a motorcycle ride to stay home and launch my plan.
I started with the WIP/UFO list that I started in January.   The left are the 20 quilts in various stages of completion.  The right are other sewing or crochet.  Clearly I like the planning stages and not the doing ones.    Decided to pick one in each category and TRY to focus for a finish.

Hand Quilting:  Oorah!  Pictured at the top of the post.  Started in 2012 after meeting an inspiring Marine at the Ride To The Wall event in Washington DC.  It's stalled out because of debates about how to finish it.  Ideas have included quilting Marine emblems in the center of the rings.  I have decided to go with traditional hand quilting with a cotton/wool blend batting.  I will be giving it to my good friend (and retired Marine) Fred, who's wife taught me to quilt.

Machine Quilting:  Purple.  This is a wedding quilt.  I am about 80% finished with one section of background fill and the borders to go.  Hoping to finish this one over the weekend.

Applique:  Covid 19.  Making this for my friend Chris who was in the first wave to get it in the US and described the experience like having shards of glass in her lungs.  We have identified several symbolic things to capture her experience.

Piecing:  My Alaska quilt center is finished, but i need to add borders and prep it for quilting.

Crochet:  My childhood friend Barb posted this picture of a family heirloom about a year ago.   I offered to try to reproduce it for her.

We all know I'm going to get distracted by bright shiny objects.  Even my to-do list includes another applique and an a piecing project.   Am also helping my daughter fill in her income gap by making masks, making her kits since I can prep so quickly with the rotory cutter/mat which she doesn't have.

I am on round 4 of trying to make the PERFECT sourdough English Muffin. (Round 3 on top, 2 on clearly getting closer to the solution)

One of my other New Year's goals was to work on my garden more.  I have really let it go over the past few years, spending those sunny days on the motorcycle instead of the garden.  Here's the result of last fall's gardening binge.  I am also helping some friends design their gardens as well.

So expect lots of fabric art posts with some food and flowers mixed in.

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