
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Purple Progress

 Here's where the quilting was after 15 hours and nearly 4 spools (250m each) of thread.
 A closer look at the top section
And the bottom left with the background fill done. I think that brings my total quilting time up to about 18 hours.  I was able to buy 3 more spools of thread in this color at Joanne's with curbside pickup.   It is my goal to finish up the fills today and move on to the outside borders.

Today is day 29 of Boise, Idaho's distancing policy.  The mayor issued limits a week before the rest of the state.  First 2 weeks was closure of non-essential business and limit groups to 10 with 6 ft distancing.  It ramped up to masks 10 days ago.  Our curve is looking pretty good and the governor will be issuing new guidelines today.  I work in healthcare, but in an outpatient specialty clinic which has had a decline in follow up of non-urgent patients.  Subsequently I will begin a furlough at the end of this week.  Expect a lot more blog posts as I work through my endless supply of UFOs.

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