Thursday, September 2, 2010

Fabric Mischief

Anna, from Victoria Rose was here to visit for a couple days.  You know what that means....Mischief with Fabric.  We started with the traditional swapping of the fabric... all those pieces that we've been collecting for each other the past few months.  The gifting of patterns.  The exchanging of ideas.  Brainstorming.  I even bribed her into taking my orphan muddy fuchsia hexies by giving her four 1/8ths that I found to match.  I made her promise to blog more so we can all see what she's making.

Today we headed to Quilt Expressions for more quilt fabric.  This piece was simply irresistable.  Perhaps the inspiration for my next wildflower quilt???? They are moving to the old Schuck's building on Chinden & Glenwood - across from the fairgrounds and next to Fred Meyer.  She was telling us about the skylights that were installed... WOW!  How cool is that?  Gigantic store with natural lighting.  I wish her well and will do my personal best to keep her in business.   I didn't mention it to Karen at the time, but I suspect the move is really to get her walking distance to the Starbucks.  Oh...and is it wrong to admit that my immediate thought was that the new location is roughly 2 miles from my house, which is an excellent distance for a fitness walk?

I added to my leaf quilt project fat quarters.  I've been collecting green batik fat quarters to make a silhouette applique pattern along the lines of the Columbine series I designed for Victoria Rose to use in the Heritage Quilt workshops in West Yellowstone.   I need to get started on this so I can get something to Brandi to practice her quilting magic.  She does amazing textures with machine quilting.  I am constantly in awe.

And a couple more blues for the Betty Jeanne quilt. I cut out a Delectable Mountains and a Bear Paw out of the blues collection when I was cutting out the USA quilt.  But I'm still deciding if it'll be hand or machine pieced.   I'm thinking that the old broad isn't getting any younger...I'd better machine piece in the interest of time.

I don't normally buy patterns.

Anna brought me Wing Dance.  It was designed by Sheryl Mycroft and is available at Random Thredz.  I LOVE this pattern.  Not only is it batiks...but initially, I loved the randomness of it.  It took serious study to realize it's a HEXI!   See if you can figure out the hexiness on your own.

I had been generally admiring a shop sample of the American Jane pattern called  Merry Go Round  for months, but today saw and had to buy Triple Crown.  I decided that this is my solution to speeding up the process of making my niece Hillary her quilt.  I had promised a Hexi, thinking English piecing....but I'm liking this a lot better.  I have a shocking collection of lime/pink prints...and substituted a black-on-black for the white in the pattern.  What do you think?

1 comment:

1 Lynn Koeppen said...

Oh, I love that American Jane pattern Triple Crown. I haven't seen it before! Maybe I need it, what do you think?