Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Applique Party!

Pull out your calendars!  There's an event that I am totally stoked about! (If I lived in England I'd be chuffed!)  The May 20-21, 2011 Heritage Quilt Workshop in West Yellowstone, Montana  is going to be Applique Addict Weekend!!!!
Anna & I will be sharing projects that we have made using the Dover Clip Art software and walking participants through the process.   We'll include one of our favorite Dover books/software into the  workshop price and help you to design your favorite variation.  The Santa Domingo birds are all from that book, as are the Mayan Frog.... and Chipmunk

Mayan Chipmunk
There are a number of other projects that we've done from this book including a Mimbres Fish that both of us have made, but have perhaps neglected to photograph.  My version was quilted (I've asked the recipient to photograph the quilt...but it is currently in storage) and Anna's was appliqued on a pillow (we'll work on the photo).

Details are still pending, but the usual May & Oct workshop format is a 1/2 day Friday, all day Saturday format.  The fee includes Fri Supper, Sat Breakfast & Lunch as well as CHOCOLATE throughout.  Pre-registration allows for discount pricing on a partnering motel.    If you aren't from the area...let me just remind you that West Yellowstone IS the entrance to Yellowstone National Park.  Isn't that on your "Bucket List"?  The workshop was purposely scheduled after fishing season opens. If you aren't a fisherperson...perhaps your travel partner is???   May in the "high country" means that there's still a lot of snow on the ground (no hiking) but still lots of opportunity for Geyser Gazing.  Have YOU ever seen Old Faithful?

I'm really hoping that with this advanced warning, lots of my blog-friends can plan some early summer vacations to come play with me!!!  Since my birthday is June 8th, I'm also looking at this as excuse to call it a BIRTHDAY PARTY!    Oh sorry...tooo excited....I kept thinking that people might bring me fabric.  (Let me know if your interested...we can discuss details.

Addendum:  My brother just sent me this of a bear chasing an injured bison in Yellowstone in April.  Wow.

1 comment:

1 Lynne (Lily's Quilts) said...

Yay, not only did my links come back, I managed to edit your link so now it links to this post - and now I can stop and say that this block is totally fabulous!