Thursday, November 11, 2010

Joseph's Coat Quilting

 I'm supposed to be grading papers.  But I really need a break.

Here's where I am on the Joseph's Coat quilting.  It is going SOOO  SLLLLOOOWWWLLLYYY that it's like watching finger nails grow.

I moved it from the quilt frame to a lap hoop a few weeks ago, which I am quite enjoying since Fall has finally hit in Boise.
 I've been trying to measure progress in "hoops per week", with a goal of at least 1 hoop.  That means roughly 30 petals per hoop, plus the triangle outlining and fill.  It would make me feel much better if didn't know that there are 637 petals and 406 triangles.

If I maintain average momentum, I'll be done quilting before the weather heats up in June.
I do feel a TINY bit better knowing that I'm about 20% finished.

And every time I want to work on another project, I make myself spend a half hour hand quilting this first.


1 Marj said...

Your quilting looks beautiful and by working on it a little at a time it will be finished before you know it.

2 Cecily said...

Gosh, Marjorie, I just love this quilt. Every time I see it I am floored by it. Your hand quilting is beautiful and I can't wait to see it when it's all done!

3 Julie Fukuda said...

The quilting really sets it off. When I'm working on this kind of quilting, I stop checking to see how far along I am. Then I get such a pleasant surprise when I can no longer find any place left.

4 Oops-Lah said...

You are doing very well and it's looking fantastic! I wish I was at the quilting stage with mine too but I always get side tracked! Have a great weekend. Vreni x

5 Mary Lou Casada said...

WOW is it gorgeous!! I love the hand quilting -- and the petals are just phenomenal! I need to try that disciplinary tactic, quilt so much or your don't get to piece or applique!! LOL Something's gotta give or I'll only have quilt TOPS the rest of my life! LOL
Mary Lou

6 Lynn Koeppen said...

Beautiful! I'm still working on blocks.

7 beth said...

wow. wow. wow.

8 Unknown said...

Great job Marjorie - when Kellie posted this quilt along project I did consider joining in but knew I had enough UFO's to keep me going - and now look how you've hooked me ;-)

9 Sue Pelland said...

Love this quilt! I'm doing mine fusible. Cheating, I know, but that is the only way for me to get it done. I'm doing it in three sections, so the machine stitching won't be so scary. Also, making a baby quilt size. Thanks for the inspiration! Sue

10 Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

I love this quilt, and was wondering where you were on it now?