Friday, January 14, 2011

Shannon's Quilt

Look what the UPS dude delivered about supper time.  Shannon Moe and I had been chatting on FB.  She's an old friend and a quilter who had inherited this applique project but had decided it was beyond her interest and/or ability.  Sight unseen, I said I'd be happy to give it a go.

This panel ( 2 x 6 sections) is finished.  There is a matching panel that has not been started, and a 1 square wide panel with 2 squares finished.  The pattern is these 4 panels repeated.

Instead of templates, the shapes are printed in white on this fabric with 1/8" seam allowance.  Unfortunately, the kit was made over 40 years ago and the lines are extremely faint to invisible.

 I am sure of the dating of the kit b/c I have a quilt made by my husband's grandmother that has this EXACT green calico.  It was also a kit.  She made "wedding quilts" for all her grandchildren in the 1960's.  When we were married in 1990, Harley Dude's dad, Papa Bear, pulled a quilt out of the closet that had been made when my DH was a teen for his wedding.  It is embroidered with his g'mas name and date: 1969.  It still had all the blue dotted lines for quilting on it when I received it.  I was pleasantly surprised that they washed out after all that time.

Shannon's quilt has assorted stains...probably water.  Anyone have advice on removing these stains?  I have similar ones on some of my g'ma's cross-stitch table cloths.  The stains can't be dealt with until after it's quilted since the quilting lines are printed on the fabric.  That requires a tremendous leap of faith...that after all that additional applique and quilting....either the stains will come out or you won't really care.


1 Julie Fukuda said...

What an interesting pattern. I notice the center of each circle is different. I think I would take a leap of faith that the stains would come out. There are some pretty good stain removing products these days. That is a familiar looking fabric but I don't remember ever seeing kits for sale in those days. With your skills you could turn this project into something super.

2 Pat said...

It was nice to hear from you. Yes, this is the same idea that I remember when I was young. I wish I would have been involved in quilting and would have bought a few of those kits. My mother made one with roses on them and two with purple and pink iris. As far as stain removal I use Fels nappa soap for all my stain removal. It took out brown stains on an old table cloth that I bought.