Friday, July 29, 2011

15 Seconds of Fame

Today, I was the Featured "Bloggers Quilt Festival Quilter" from Amy's Creative Side.  How cool is that?    Although I was honored when she sent me the email invite, I was deeply touched by the comments that my blog friends Cecily & Julie posted.  I just LOVE having an on-line quilt guild of friends who cheer me on.  A million thanks!  And a warm welcome to my new blog followers and a huge thanks to the quilters who took the time to post comments on Amy's blog about my work.  Those warm fuzzy feelings are giving me hot flashes.  Oh wait...  Maybe it's the 95 degree temps.
I've been busy turning my melons into circles.  I took the progress out to the yard so I could finally get pics that were true color.  I've had more than one comment (on-line and in person) about the color of the background being either purple or pink.  It's grey.  It's supposed to be inspired by Zuni turquoise jewlrey...turquoise and silver.  Fortunately, I started throwing these out on the lawn before I was finished piecing.  I realized that I'd totally messed up.  I should have been putting together center with 2 melons rather that center with 3 melons. Or to save what I've done, centers with single melons.  #*&#$@!!!

Excuse me while I sulk off to say more bad words and drink Pinot Noir.


1 Lynette said...

hehe :) I do that kind of thing all the time. . .

2 Julie Fukuda said...

That blue really does shimmer like turquoise jewelery. Forget the bad words and enjoy the Pinot Noir, then just put that bunch together and work around it. In the end, it won't matter.
It was a nice surprise to see you featured and certainly well deserved.

3 Unknown said...

Ok, maybe a little frustrating sewing will be required but it can be saved - this is looking fantastic Marjorie, and congratulations on the 15 seconds of fame - off to read it now

4 Deborah OHare said...

Congratulations on your newly found fame!
Loved your comments on piecers and quilters.

5 quilthexle said...

Have fun with the pinot noir ;-)) and CONGRATS for being a featured quilter! Well deserved! And I have to second what Deborah just wrote - I truly loved your comment about piecer and quilter ;-))