Monday, August 27, 2012

Leaf it alone

Good news: I found the converter for the old camera so can stop relying on blurry photos from my cell phone.  Bad news: the battery on the camera goes dead after one shot.  This is the one shot I got, and I managed to cut off the top.  Come to think of it, it's a skill I must have inherited from my mother who always manages to cut off the tops of people's heads in photos.

I am declaring the applique on this panel done.  I added several more leaves over the weekend.  There are some kind of bare looking stems in the upper part of the photo that got cut off.  I'm just going to live with it.

I know a parent shouldn't pick favorites, but I really do like this leaf best.

 Or maybe this one.

I kept buying green batiks while I was working on this project, so the fabrics and colors vary widely.  Hopefully that will add lots of interest to the final quilt.

Next step: Pink & White  Sawtooth border.  Deciding if I want it all the way around or only on lower left and bottom.


1 syocom said...

wow, that is looking really good. I know it's going to be a quilt, but when i saw it I thought it would make a pretty table cloth.

2 Raewyn said...

Beautiful Marjorie - your appliqué is so lovely!! And I like the multi coloured leaves and flowers - the variety of fabrics will make it so interesting.

3 Linda said...

It's fabulous! Can't wait to see that sawtooth border. Your leaves are amazing!

4 Lynne said...
