Monday, November 23, 2020



This Grandma Christmas Task was creating something for my favorite 3 year old.  I was given an assortment of inspirations, but started with Moana.  I had to rent and watch the movie.  
I was sufficiently inspired. 
I collect antique linens and have a sweet spot for pillow cases with crocheted or tatted edges.
When the pillow case fabric gets fragile and fails, the edging always looks great.  I've been saving them for years thinking that  it would make a great edging for little girl dresses. 

My BFF Beve opened her stash to me.  
I think the triangular crocheted bits were probably the ends of a table runner.   
There was some "fussing about" to make it work.  
Had a copy of Simplicity 8270 this size which I adapted.   
Because I was adjusting to the standard pillow case edge size, I ended up making a big dart from the  underarm seam to the hip.    I added the back section after the rest of the dress was constructed, thus the inconsistencies on the overlap. I put a few extra layers of top stitching to make this more solid.
I pieced the bodice with bits of my orange/ping batik stash. 
Then top-stitched in orange with some of the fancy stitches on my machine that I swore that I would never use.  SO HAPPY with this bit. 
My serger died.  So my arm solution on the knit fabric was some fancy elastic I bought when I thought that I might learn to sew panties.  The fancy stretch stitch in contrasting thread.  OMG.

While I am delighted with the outside finishes, the inside is a train wreck.  I'm so used to serged edges and had to go old school with some zig variations.  Gotta buy me a new serger. 

This probably needs a swag belt.  Both for looks and to make it more size adjustable.

Next project is a hooded cape.  Lined with furry black minki and showcasing a fabulous red/black pin tuck satin.  In it's previous life, curtains for my granddaughter's mother when she was in her Goth teen aged stage.   The Circle of Life.

1 comment:

1 Lily Allen said...

your fabric desing is so beatiful.
clipping path