Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Betty Jeanne Quilt

I posted back in July about my idea to make a quilt for my mom with a block to represent each year of her life.  For Christmas, I'll be giving her the first 10 blocks (I hope) along with a small scrap book in which I want her to write about the event or the year that it represents.  As I've been cutting out blocks for the USA quilt, I've also been cutting out (and machine piecing) blocks that I'll be able to work into her quilt.

 Her maiden name is Maple.
(The red version of this is the Maine block.)
Propeller Block - the new solution for North Carolina.  I'm not sure what year that will represent.  It could be her first plane ride, or the first time she flew with my brother as a pilot.  Lots of options.

She lived in Georgia for a while when my dad was in the Army and my oldest 2 brothers were little.

She drove from there to California (Road to California).  With 2 little the 1950's.  Apparently Larry never quit talking and Dan sprouted 2 teeth during the drive.  Or so the story goes.

They also lived near Olympia, Washington (Basket of Grapes - WA) while my dad was in the Army.

As a teen ager she worked at a resort on Lake Erie (Lady of the Lake - MN).

Growing up in Idaho, we spent lots of time in the Delectable Mountains (Montana Block).

And had some distant encounters with bears.  (Bear Paw - Alaska Block) Although mom does have a funny story about the bears in Yellowstone in the 1960's that scared the @&$* out of her aunt who was visiting.

Since I took the photos, I also managed to finished Cactus Blossom - the block I'm using to represent Arizona.

I have 6 more of the USA blocks cut out.  Maybe I'll have some progress to share next week.


1 Julie Fukuda said...

Yep, that propeller block was a good choice. Now I see where you are going with this. Lucky Mom! Has she really been to every single state?

2 Lynn Koeppen said...

Very cool idea. I hope you writes about each year! What a keepsake that will be!

3 Dee J. said...

What a clever idea. I love the blocks. This will be a memory quilt I'm sure your mom will cherish. You've given me an idea for a quilt for my oldest son, who just last week requested one.

4 Cecily said...

Wow, what a great idea... and that looks like a surprising amount of piecing... :) Looks fantastic.