Monday, January 17, 2011

Ojibwe Applique - sections joined

My quilting progress this weekend was slowed considerably by a sore throat that came on Friday afternoon, necessitating gallons of herbal tea and excess sleep.

I finished up the detailed applique for Ojibwe inspired quilt and decided I needed to connect the 5 sections before I finished with the leaves.  Sadly, I couldn't find any notes from when I designed this in 2005 as to the measurements of each section and only a vague idea on how they were supposed to go together.  And to make things more frustrating, I don't seem to have any more of one green fabric for the corner leaves.

Here's the upper left corner in which all the applique is finished.  Now the weird thing to me is that even with the guess on measurements the vine turned out the shape I'd originally planned but there's a big gap with no leaves or flowers where the panels join.


I was really looking forward to being done with this.

The only other quiltish accomplishment was the purchase of this pile.  They came from 2 different thrift stores.  The bottom two are 100% cotton sheets that cost $2.50 each and are destined to be quilt backs.  The top 4 were the finds off the "all you can stuff in a bag for $1".  The brown are linen pants and the other 3 plaid cotton shirts.  The shirts I have in mind for a very functional quilt for one of my brothers.  I'm trying to convince myself to use linen in a quilt.  I'm just afraid how well it'll hold up in a bed quilt and regular laundering.

I think it's time for more tea and a soft pillow. zzzzz


1 Julie Fukuda said...

Ah, but you are writing the rules on this one so you can do whatever you want. It looks great!

2 Sujata Shah said...

Your applique looks beautiful. I agree with the previous comment.. You are making the rules and you can change them while you are in the process.
What a find from the thrift store!
Can't wait to see what you decide on the quilt. Those quilt have such organic look.
Happy sewing!

3 M and M plus 3 said...

Your applique is gorgeous.