Sunday, June 5, 2011


If I stayed home today, I could finish the last 16 inches of hand quilting on the cat's tail.  I might even be able to do some free-motion bark on the branch.  And if I were really focused, maybe even sew some of the leaves on.

Or I could go through the scrap bins and cut out wedges for double wedding ring quilts.

Or I could finish the straight line quilting on the Blue Lemonaide quilt.

Or I could pull the grass out of the perennial garden.

Or I could plant the next succession of lettuce and beets in the garden.

Or I could tell you about great blog entries like this Christmas Candy Dish that Anna made from a layer cake, and shared her directions on the Victoria Rose Quilts blog.

Or tell you about Bailey's Fabric Give Away.

But I'm not going to do any of those things because Harley Dude has polished up the bike.  I'm spending this first warm day of summer on winding mountain roads and in biker bars.


1 Deborah OHare said...

Sounds like fun! Have a great day.

2 Unknown said...

Ah Ha - I knew it - hope you had a great day out on the Harley - we attacked some sections in the garden here - lots still to do though ;-(

3 ~Carla~ said...

Good choice!! Enjoy your day!! :)

4 connie said...

Hope you had a good day!!!

5 Julie Fukuda said...

Hope you had a good one! I wish I had the garden option.