Wednesday, June 8, 2011

WIP Wed - Back of the Cat

 As much as I wanted to spend my birthday sleeping in and eating bon-bons, I did go in to the office for 1/2 a day, wearing my birthday suit and a tiara.  (What? was a pink suit and it was my birthday...thus it was a "birthday suit".)  By the time I chased the teens that were downloading music to ipods out of my house, took Skater Girl and her friend to Los Betos for a gigantic burrito, and dumped them off at the pool....I had a couple hours to myself to watch documentaries from Netflix and work on the cat quilt.  I honestly thought I was done with the hand quilting until I took it outside to take this picture.  Drat.  I missed parts of 3 legs.  It'll have to wait.  Harley Dude is taking me out to dinner.
WIPs on Wednesdays


1 Julie Fukuda said...

Have a happy one! The legs can wait.

2 Esther Aliu said...

Happy Birthday! those legs aren't going anywhere...

3 Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Marjorie - the quilting is looking great

4 Deborah OHare said...

Happy Birthday!

5 quilthexle said...

Belated Happy Birthday !! Hope you had a great day. The quilting looks great even if parts are missing ;-))

6 Jen said...

Happy Birthday! Sounds like a great day. I bet you looked cute in your birthday suit, haha! Poor kitty.

7 Jenny Squawk said...

Happy Birthday and meowza! You've been seriously busy.