Saturday, January 23, 2021



My Granddaughter is Three-and-a-half.  Clearly it's time to start the quilt lessons.  

We started with a lesson on contrast.  Dark vs light.  
That, apparently, is just weird.  But coloring is good. 
Sorting by dark/light is stupid.  But pink/purple is good.

We picked out 9 patch patterns we thought were pretty.
Glue sticks are cool.

 4 is plenty.

I have some videos of her sorting colors, but they won't upload. The synopsis is that everything is Pink.

And time for a break.  1 hour was pretty good focus.

For round 2...
She was a decent pinner and an awesome pin puller.  
She tried guiding the squares during the piecing, but after the warning about don't let the needle bite you, she was not very interested.
After helping me through 1.75 blocks she declared "Grandma Do It" and went to do Play Dough,
Grandma sandwiched it wrong.  Twice.  So the hour of ripping/fixing cost us our planned photography walk.    Next Time.

1 comment:

1 Angie in SoCal said...

It's such fun to introduce the grands to quilting and sewing. Of my six I was able to do that for 5 of them. You have some great ideas of how to get them started. Thanks for sharing!