Sunday, December 16, 2012

This and That

Went out to breakfast and a ride through the back-roads and hills in Boise County, enjoying a light dusting of snow and Ponderosa Pine trees.  Stopped in Crouch to pick up some pretty fabrics.  My original stack was much smaller, but then I found out it was 40% off so I went back for more.

I have the straight line stitching done on what will become 2 pillow cases.  Next step is FMQ...still deciding which fills.

And after much debate and multiple patterns drawn and erased, I finally committed to a background fill for the Heart's Infatuation quilt  I opted for a Sashiko inspired diamond quilted with magenta thread on the white background.   As you might guess from all the extra lines, that was a last minute change after I had started with a triple line grid.  Hope I don't regret that later.

Talked with my mom last night and she is thinking that her next international trip (she takes 2 a year) may be to return to Australia.  I tried to convince her that I am well known down under (to certain blog reading quilters) and should go with her.  So...when should we go?  Spring or Fall?


1 Tina said...

I love the look of the pillow cases so far. The magenta thread on the light background is great, waiting to see a picture of the finished quilt.

2 Lynne said...

Your spring or ours?

Both seasons are lovely in Sydney. However, Australia is the same size as mainland USA so we have quite a range of climates across the country!

BTW, I'd be happy to show you around our beautiful city!

3 Lynette said...

oooo - That filler is going to be spectacular. :)

4 Lourdes said...

I am just learning how to hand quilt. I was just wondering what size of needle you use and what kind of thread is this?
Thanks for sharing your beautiful hand work with us.

5 Cathy Hetzel said...

Let me know if you are coming up to is known as beautiful one perfect the next.......would love to meet up with you...