Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Out Of Control Creativity

I have a serious problem.  It is pathological creativity.  Once that idea kicks in, I can't stop.
No.  Really.

So I was hanging out with my favorite 1 year old twins this weekend and discovered that my darling Jamie is obsessed with tags.  The tag on a commercial blanket.  Flipping over the throw rug to find the tag.  This girl loves tags.  Who am I to judge?

I had seen some mini-quilts on line focused on the idea that lots of babies like tags.  And the concept of Mr Taggit was born.

I cannot say Mr Taggit without throwing in a Northern Midwestern accent. (throw in a y before the a and drag it out the"a" a bit?)

This is a police sketch of Mr Taggit.

I searched through my stash and found a piece of yellow minkie fleece from a project one of my daughters made and a remnant of flannel in a  yellow/orange floral that I bought at a second hand store for $3.

The color scheme was set.

I found a little bit of gold satin ribbon in the stash, and about a yard of some glorious silk green/brown.  My sole investment in this project was 2 rolls of wide yellow satin and gold grograin ribbon (half price).  I threw in 1.5 yards of the wide ric-rac since I thought the texture would be great.

FYI, the final tag count is 77.
Is Mr Taggit eating something to the left? Or running away toward the right?


1 Amy said...

2015, Mr. Taggit, 2015! Yes, I will clone you, and then take over the world! Bwahaha!

2 Lynette said...

Haha!!! Love the pic. What a terrific blanket for a tot - I can just imagine how much they'd love all those tags and textures.

3 Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Mr Taggit is brilliant! I've made small versions but had never thought of a giant version. Or adding eyes. Genius!

4 Nancy said...

Mr. Taggit what a great name.