Monday, July 6, 2015


How long have I been working on the "perfect t-shirt"?  (April 2013) The Final Frontier was the neck binding.  I used the neckline x 0.875.  Too much, left it ripply.  It wasn't completely dry...just pulled it out for photo shoot.  Maybe?  (Or Not.)

So let's see, that's 2 years, 4 RTW t-shirts sacrificed for templates.  4 needles (including a fancy "double needle").  5 spools of thread of each color attempted.  Yards of fabric. Hours trolling the internet for t-shirt tutorials.
Laundry costs. Several bottles of wine and six packs of beer.

I may need to re-think my hatred for shopping for RTW clothing.


Nanna said...

I feel your pain, I have a sleeveless lined dress I've been fighing so may years I've lost count lol! I love rd so this is why I know this will work out for you lol! have you tried going down a size around the top or is it just the fabric? some fabrics just doesn't work no matter how hard we try with no fault of our own


Archie The Wonder Dog said...

I saw this blog post a few minutes ago and wondered whether it might be useful...