Sunday, December 11, 2011

Hand quilting again

For the past month, I've been planning to take this quilt with me to work and stay late one night to baste it using a conference room table instead of my living room floor.

It didn't happen.

I spent my Sunday crawling around on the floor basting the double wedding ring.

I decided on traditional thread basting rather than pins or spray baste since I'm doing this on a hoop as a lap quilt.

My big challenge is to keep from over-quilting.  I'm starting with outlining the rings while I decide what modern looking quilting I'll do in the centers.  Any ideas?


1 Salley said...

Did Mitzi help you baste?

2 Celeste said...

I'm casting my vote for filler feathers.

Thanks for the charm squares; they're lovely!

3 Celeste said...

Whoops, forgot the link.

4 Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Wow, it looks stunning!!

5 Lynn Koeppen said...

WOW! This quit is beautiful!

6 Celeste said...

Now try me; I tinkered with my Blogger profile.

7 java diva said...

This is absolutely stunning!! First, a wedding ring quilt, love circles, second my favorite color with a neutral gray--perfect! And using batiks--awesome! You're my batik inspiration, Marjorie!