Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hexi Return

I'm all done with my hexi rant from the weekend, and am back to making progress.  I connected 2 rows of pink and 2 of green to the left of this section (total of 20 hexies) as well as combining them with their 37 neighbors and the strip of 13 that included the blue.

That connects with the section I finished last year like this.

This may also give perspective of why a quick whip stitch is more important to me that invisible stitches.

The inspiration quilt is an antique from the Michigan Quilt Index.  Unfortunately, I discovered much too late, that the original must have had bigger hexis as this is turning out to be much smaller than was my original plan.   Such is life.

That's it for my Wed WIP update.

But I have a couple days off...Perhaps I'll make progress.


1 Archie The Wonder Dog said...

I love the colours and it's looking great! Have fun stitching more hexies!

2 Wendy said...

This is really looking nice...glad you are back to stitching this beautiful quilt.