Friday, December 30, 2011

2011 Review

I've quite enjoyed other blogger's overview of their year.  I decided to do my own and was pleased to see that I accomplished quite a lot.  I find it so easy to be so overwhelmed by the "to do" list that I don't appreciate the "done" list.  My thanks to all of you who inspired me, challenged me, left kind messages, encouraged me to try new things, and made me feel accountable so that I actually got things done.
I had 4 HUGE finishes that included a lot of hand-work.  The Big Ass Cat was hand appliqued and hand quilted with machine quilted leaves and branches.  The Joseph's Coat was hand appliqued and hand quilted. The Shop Hop quilt included hand applique as well as machine piecing and machine quilting.  The Lime & Blue Crazy was machine pieced but all the embroidery is by hand.
Also on the finished list was the "Blue Lemonade" machine pieced & quilted pinwheel.  My very first improv pieced quilt is known as either Broken Glass or Melting Ice, depending upon my mood and the lighting.  Nadine was hand pieced (yea, crazy right?) then each block quilted using a variety of techniques including hand quilting, big stitch quilting, walking foot & free motion quilting (FMQ).  The purple star baby quilt was the first full size (not block at a time) that I completed using FMQ on my home machine.
There are several tops still awaiting quilting that are noteworthy even though they aren't finished.  The Mayan Heron is reverse appliqued using a "top basting" technique and needle turn applique.  The Ojibwe Beadwork  Inspiration quilt is one of my oldest UFO's.  I'm practicing my FMQ so I have the confidence to do this one myself with highly contrasting red, yellow & green thread.  The QR code is for this blog's address and I'd like to finish in time for this summer's quilt show season.  The Double Wedding Ring is in the process of being quilted.  I keep changing my mind on how I'm quilting  (geometric or swirly) the Groom's quilt that goes with it, but it will be machine quilted.
I made the Oingo Boingo Bowling Shirt from fabric I won from a quilt blog.  I felt so badly that I was not progressing with the hexi quilt for Rita that I made her a matching pillow from the scraps and sent it as a down payment on the quilt.  I made a diaper bag with extra zipper pouches to go with the purple star baby quilt.
I supported other quilters by buying hand dyed fabrics, commissioning a series of  drawings on fabric,  and a custom design purse.

I learned to free motion quilt on my machine.

I supported 31 fabric shops in Idaho, Oregon & Utah.  Yes - fabric is a line item in the budget.

I took a batik class.

I attended Quilt Market.

2011 has been a very good quilt year.


1 Unknown said...

Oh, you put me to shame - congratulations on so many finishes

2 Renate said...

What a wonderful way to look back on your achievements! You've been so busy that you deserve another trip to the quilt shop, don't you think?

3 Julie Fukuda said...

Oh, I am beginning to feel like a slacker after looking at what everyone else has finished in one year. Guess I need to get off the computer and back to quilting.

4 Lynne said...

It seems you've been very productive! I wish you all the best for 2012.

5 Lynn Koeppen said...

Looks like a great for you and a beer for the Harley Dude! LOL

I wish you a great year in 2012!

6 said...

what a great year! And that bowling shirt is the bomb!

7 What Comes Next? said...

what an amazing year! well done! I love your Joseph's Coat quilt and the DWR is stunning! Happy New Year!

8 quirky granola girl said...

oh my goodness! i adore your Big Ass Cat and Joseph's Coat quilts! wow.

9 Archie The Wonder Dog said...

What a great year, the JC quilt is stunning, I'm off to find more posts about it!

10 Eileen said...

wow--you were a busy bee!! lovely work. remember the cat from before--such a cute thing. love them all

11 Robin said...

Holy cow! You were crazy productive this year! Such an inspiring wrap-up. Thanks so much for sharing! :)

12 Frederique said...

Wow, what a busy year! I love the cat!