Saturday, December 3, 2011


A comment that Julie left, helped me to appreciate the process of a big project rather than just the finale.  Can I just point out how much I love the lower, right 2 leaves?

I did actually finish the lower panel of these flowers and started a 3 flower panel that will grow from the motif on the left, upwards.

I am still madly in love with the crazy orange flowers I bought last night at the grocery store.  This morning I snipped some cotoneaster seeds from the back yard and actually arranged these flowers.  It could use some fill still, but the orange just makes me smile.  I forgot how much I love the color orange.


1 Raewyn said...

Your panel is truly beautiful Majorie. I love the way you have such a great variety of colour in your leaves and petals. Remember to enjoy the process! And the Orange arrangement is gorgeous.

2 Brynwood Needleworks said...

Beautiful work! I love the colors and patterns of the fabrics. You made great choices.

3 Julie Fukuda said...

I really love those two-fabric leaves. Even when you have planned whaat leaves or flowers will go where, it is exciting to see what the actual outcome is. Keep up the great work.

4 Unknown said...

Your panels are coming along wonderfully and your lovely burnt orange floral arrangement is so cheery - go on get some more greenery in it ;o) and give it centre stage on your dining room table today

5 Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Wow, your appliqué panel is stunning!!

6 -girl from the bush said...

wow i love your panel! I was going to try and do this quilt along but i lost or misplaced the first pattern of the hearts but i have the rest, and have not been able to find them since... goodness knows where it went, so I gave up doing it. It's just stunning! sue~nz